Large Animal Clinic

Contact Us

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Large Animal Centre

Our Large Animal and Equine Centre is open to serve all your farm animal needs, including on-site visits, dehorning, teat sealing and hoof trimming. Our vets will come to you or if you need medications and supplies for your herds, here is where to find us. On the above map, we are the second location shown at the bottom of the map.
Here’s our details:

195 Sth Gippsland Hwy, Leongatha

Phone: Press Option 2 (03) 5662 2251

After hours Emergencies: (03) 5662 2818

Email: (not to be used for professional advice)

Open hours:

Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

For more information on our Large Animal Farm services or our comprehensive Equine services click on the buttons below.

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