
If your emergency is within our opening hours please ensure you call ahead so we can be prepared to treat your pet upon arrival.

Unfortunately not all emergencies happen within our regular business hours, that’s why we have a team of vets rostered on to handle emergency calls for existing clients after hours.

Small Animals

For After Hours Emergencies call:
Leongatha (03) 5662 2818
Wonthaggi (03) 5630 8050
Newhaven 03) 5630 8050
Fees and charges apply

We are one of the few veterinary clinics to offer an after hours emergency service in the region. This service is for existing clients. After hours services may be from Leongatha or Wonthaggi.

Large Animals

For after hours emergencies please call (03) 5662 2818 and Carol will arrange the vet on call to attend.

Cases such as calvings/lambings, prolapses, sick animals, dislocated hips and cut milk veins constitute the majority of our emergency calls. Our vets are proficient in abdominal surgeries such as LDAs, RDAs and caesareans. Poisonings such as blue green algae and nitrate often affect large numbers of stock and emergency assessment and management is warranted.


For after hours emergencies please call  (03) 5662 2818 and our friendly after hours staff will help you determine if a veterinary visit is required.

Please note that after hours fees and charges apply including a tele-consultation fee to speak to our after hours vet. GVG Equine is one of the few veterinary practices to offer an emergency after hours equine service. Our emergency after hours service is reserved for GVG clients. If you are not a GVG client, you should have an emergency after hours plan with your veterinarian or nearest equine specialists centre.